Curious about EMS’ senior team? Well we recently sat down with Angie May, who is a crucial part to how EMS runs, to chat with her about what her life is like as the VP of Administration. Angie is one of the sweetest people at EMS and could talk all day about what she loves about her job and what she enjoys doing outside of work, so we knew talking with her would be fun!
- What exactly does the VP of Administration do at EMS?
- I oversee Operations, HR & Finance functions.
- What does your typical day look like?
- My days are filled with various tasks and no day is the same. Some items include; onboarding new staff, contract negotiations, ensuring accurate billing is being sent to clients, financial reporting, processing payroll and accounts payable, mentoring and providing guidance to staff members and numerous other task requiring my attention.
- What do you love about your job?
- I have been with EMS for 15 years and would not change that for anything. I love the variety in everything I do and we have the best leader anyone could ask for.
- What do you find most challenging about your job?
- The most challenging aspect of my job is finding the time to get everything accomplished. I typically work in the mode of “what is the most pressing item at this time”.
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- I’m a triathlete and spend most of my free time either swimming, biking or running. I also enjoy just being out on the boat relaxing and visiting grand babies in El Paso, TX.
- Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
- I’m currently preparing for an Ironman and spend 15+ hours each week training.
- What’s your favorite professional sports team?
- Ehhh…I’m not really into sports but will sit occasionally and watch portions of a Tampa Bay Bucs or Rays game.
- If you could have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
- Honestly, I have no idea. This is not something I really think about or put much focus on. I could make something up but let’s just go with the truth.
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