We’re All In This Together, So Let’s Do Our Part.

At EMS, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We recognize our responsibility to the environment and to future generations, and we are dedicated to making a positive impact through our operations, products, and community engagement. As a part of this, we are a remote-first company and hire the best talent, regardless of where they’re based geographically. With only one office, we reduce emissions by 54% by not having required commutes.

Our Mission
To integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations, from reducing our carbon footprint to fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among our employees and partners.

Key Areas of Focus

We partner with suppliers who prioritize sustainability, ensuring ethical practices and reducing environmental impact. We also support local environmental initiatives, collaborate with community organizations, and encourage employee volunteering. We reward VTO participation and promote green practices at work and personal levels.

Transparency and Accountability

Our annual sustainability report provides detailed updates on our progress, challenges, and future goals, while we undergo independent audits to verify our sustainability practices and ensure industry standard compliance.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to join us on our journey towards a more sustainable future. Your support and feedback are vital as we work to make a meaningful difference. Together, we can build a better world for generations to come.